ADHD is a mental disorder that makes the people to not being concentrate, remember, decision making, recollect the information and focus issues
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ADHD affects the people in childhood
2. Whatis ADHD?
ADHD is stands for attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder.
ADHD is a mental disorder that makes the
people to not being concentrate, remember,
decision making, recollect the information and
focus issues.
3. AttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder
ADHD is a behavioral problem that affects the
brains normal development.
It can affect mainly working professionals and
teen agers.
However this problem might vary the ages of
4. WhatcausesADHD?
study of childrens ADHD found that those
who carry a particular version of a certain
genes have thin brain tissue in attention are of
the brain.
children with this gene grew up, the brain
developed to a normal level of thickness. Their
ADHD symptoms also improved.
5. Factors involvedin it
Environmental factors
( cigarette smoking and al alcohol content )
Brain injuries
Food additives
7. ChildHood ADHD
Children in ADHD disorder can deals with
some common problems in their day to day
Are in constant motion
Squirm and fidget
Do not seem to listen
Have trouble playing quietly
8. ChildHoodADHD
Often talk excessively
Interrupt or intrude on others
Are easily distracted
Do not finish tasks
9. How Is ADHD Diagnosed?
A healthcare professional
can diagnose more than six
symptoms in two settings.
They will hive check up to
the children and observe
the medical history to
diagnose this disorder.
This can be diagnosed the
person in the age of 4 to
10. Treatment s
This disorder is treats with
medication, psychotherapy, brain
exercise , or combination of
Medications like Adderal and
Doxideral are most common
supplement used to treat this
11. Treatment s
Some of the Nutrion foods include
fresh fruits, cheese, tuna can
improve the brain performance.
A brain exercise can greatly help for
this problem, this can be done by
various methods such as playing
puzzles and mind sweeper games ,
laughing , reading books, solving
math problems.