M on a secRect
a mission of turnin d
lyfs ! lyfs wch r lost in d
shadow of
sorrows,souls wch R
unseen in darkness of
lyfs wch gve a painful
cry n wch thurst 4 d
light of truth,way n
salvation !
2 rescue d ones who r
chained up in
bondages !!
d bondage wch holds d
chains of slavery of
sins,slavery of
temptations,slavery of
Satanity n slavery of
shame n evr lstng pain
n tears...!
m on aa mission to
revive d spirits wch R
castng d burdens of
their past !
burdens wch r so heavy
dat carryn dem a
sensitve soul gets
crushd.....down undr it '
yEs here m on mission
to make lost souls n
spirits awakened about
d bread of lyf !a never