25 Things About me :
1-most of my friends call me " Ash "
2-i have already failled in love
3-i love girls
4-i like romance and calm music
5-i was fat when i was a baby
6-i hate franch language
7-this is my favorite number
8-i like to hold babies
9-i belive that there is one soul mate for each of us in this world
10-i belive god
11-i love my religion
12-i am not addicted to any of drugs
13-i like horror movies
14-i fall in sleep right after i eat alot
15-i am happy for who i am
16-i am sportive
17-a bit lazy
18-i eat alot and i still a bit skinny
19-i always keep learning how to cook and i keep failling
20-i love coffé
21-i hate hot milk
22-good Kisser :p
23-i lik