i'll go mad i start talking about myself,just giving it a try .....1. weak at memory
2. stubborn, irritating, almost all the time
3. pointless in life
4. i take ridiculous decisions
5. nobody wastes time like me,
6. daydreamer
7. bathroom singer ... sometimes when in mood heheh
8. i like to watch shinchan
9. i love cars
10. i care only for my friends heheh
11. i love my brother.
12. i like to gaze stars
13. I dont know!!!
14. i talk shit , every time i talk
15. i love music , it pumps adrenaline in me
16. i always fail to cheer someone sad
17. i like to go on long drives
18 . loves to throw stones in water ;)
19. love to tease my friends
20 . i irritate my mom almost every day