Establishment 'Shah Tapis'
Owner and Manager: Tony W. El Khoury
. Address: Awkar, Mount Lebanon - US Embassy Road - Right Next to Bank of Beirut.
- 悋惺悋: 惺惘 悴惡 惡悋 - 愀惘 悋愕悋惘悸 悋悖惘悸 - 惡悋惘惡 惡 惡惘惠 .
- An *EXTREMELY Wide* and *UNIQUE* Collection of *PERSIAN/ORIENTAL* Carpets.
- A *WIDE* Collection of *EUROPEAN/MODERN* Carpets.
- Professional Carpet HAND-WASH and REPAIR Service.
Always at YOUR Service!
惠愆悸 *悋愕惺悸 悴惆悋* 悋愕悴悋惆 悋惺悴 -
.惠愆悸 *悋愕惺悸* 悋愕悴悋惆 悋悖惘惡 -
.悽惆悸 惠惴 惠惶忰 *惆 忰惠惘* 愕悴