I'm Sarah Lee and I love to laugh! :p It gets mutated time and again according to seasons. Favourite laughter: Heehee :D
Apple/Tech Geek. Coffee/Espresso Addict. Connoisseur. Dreamer. Educator. Friend. Foodie. Greenies. Historian. Junior. Left-Libertarian. Linguist. Nature-Lover. Paradox. Photographer. Pro-Feminism, German & Marxism. Student. Trainee. Traveller. Ukulele Amateur. Wanderer.
lʊks laɪk aɪ rɪəli mɪz fənetɪks mæn!
People who loves taking photos doesnt appear in many of them.
Proud Owner of:
Poundcake 4G, Engelhart, Kumagin Superheadz, Leonardo, Nessie, Kate Moss, Adele, Filmo
P.S. I'm