Bonjour HelloOoO!
Ooh! Waiting Foh my Info ScRoll Down Uh Nutz..!! =p
The Meaning of Atul : The man who can not be compaired to any another
another meaning : Matchless
I'm Atul Jamwal <3 <3
NiCkz!- AJ, Eminem, PeepS Coll Meh AJ! DaTz mY PeT NaMe :D <3 <3
Im 18+ =p :]
India <3
I have Black hair, Black Eyes. :)
I ? Pizza(cheez burst) <3 <3
Choco pie <3
Mcdonalds , KFC , SuBway..
Italian, chinese, punjabi food. ? ? jus luv it..
My Lappy, MP3's .........
My favT Color BlacK..<3
I love chips alott...damn hell ! yeah <3 <3 <3
In chocolates I do like mars, ferrero roscher, Snickers(yummy), Bournville
Im Receptive, Logical, Thoughtful, Dreamer, Achiever, Believer n