I am working as a Linux Administrator, having 5+ years experience in Administration,
Configuration, Monitoring and Troubleshooting of Linux Server's in Data Center, Project
and LAMP Environment.
Operating System Window Server, Red Hat Linux, Fedora, CentOS,Debian and Ubuntu.
Specialists Network Monitoring System Nagios Core, Cacti, Smokeping, NTOP, OPENNMS, Observium, Solarwinds, rsyslog and syslog-ng.
Apache Web server Monitoring(Awstats)
Server Sendmail, Apache, NFS, NIS, Samba, FTP, DHCP, DNS, Squid, MySQL, iRedMail, Firewall, VOIP(Elastix).
TACACS+, OpenVPN access server and OPENVPN Core.
Software Firewall Smoothwall, Pfsense and ClearOS.