"Wake up. Life is too short and too sweet to sleepwalk through."
I love those moments that you share with your friends that you will always look back at and say that was fun:
-kanada kanoeing kolega CANADA OH!!! Alek Oboz '04
-Zlot Warszawa Polska '04 Eppppic time
-3 piora one of the best days of my life Alek Oboz '05
-Alek falling off of his roof :)
-CLAP aha Patrick so many awesome times
-Legolas, Aarongorn, and BILL!!! LOL Drew bff
-Power Rangers with Bennie
-Kids @ Play <3 the good times and the bad
-grape football with Drew and Brad
-Confirmation mass with Adam " the gumpluckers "
-Trash can 8th grade best game ever
-Zlot Maryland '06
-The New Elevator Kids On Deck 10 -