Ayub Raoof Mahmood
Born in Sulaimania at 1985
_ 2003-2008 he was student at Fine Art Institute.
_He was participated in all festivals of the institute.
_2005 & 2008 he was art’s trainer at (Kaziway Bazyan).
_2008 he did an art show at (Kaziway Bazyan).
_He had participated in more than 10 common art
_2007 he was participated at the first art’s competition at(Organization of Azadi Lawan) and he was the second of Kurdistan.
_2009 he was participated at the second art’s competition at(Organization of Azadi Lawan) and he was the first of Kurdistan.
_He was a member of (Sulyon) group
_He was participated at the projects of (Game, Border, Circle, media )
_2009 he