I am cool . emotional friendly, fun loving, innovative , trustworthy, clear cut, innocent ,simple......daydreamer, i hate myself when someone got hurt by me.
...no no i am not blowing own trump.
I m Just as I m!!!.....ok gnite...sleeeeep off!!!zzzzzz
xxxxxtra-talkative(i've bugged every1 wid dat..ask em!)
love freakin out wid frnds
n i love myself for wat i m, so if u dont.....I DoN CaRe!!
n i love discoverin what life is like n love dreaming bout good things(they might never happen in my life but yet...hehe)which please my heart...I like staying alone sometimes and doing stuffs never thought of or playing with my lappie else just sleeping!!....i hate ppl who smoke or dope.