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Three things to take
away from Noah
08 November 2012
Measure what Matters:
Heres what you need to know

 1. Its all about Social

                  息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.   2
Europe is one of the largest markets for social networking

            % Share of Social Networking Visitors and Minutes by Region
                                                Source: comScore MMX, May-2012

        Europe          North America                 Asia Pacific      Latin America         Middle East - Africa

                   9%                                                                        11%






             Share of Visitors                                                          Share of Minutes

                   息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.            3
In Europe, women spend nearly 2 hours more per month
social networking than males

            息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.   4
2    in 3 minutes on social networking
     sites are spent on Facebook

         in 7 minutes spent online
         are spent on Facebook

    Source: comScore MMX, Europe, May 2012
Social is becoming more Visual

          18x                              9x             39x
        Growth                           Growth         Growth
        vs 2011                          vs 2011        vs 2011
       6.0million                     5.9million        22million
         users                          users             users

                  息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.   6
Social is becoming more Mobile too

                                           Top 10 Smartphone Categories by Growth

                       social networking check-in service                          9,867                                                                         +153%

                                            online retail                           10,677                                                                       +93%
                                    electronic payments                           9,108                                                                          +90%
# Unique Users (000)

                                       general reference                                   16,818                                                                +88%
                                          bank accounts                                   15,520                                                                 +83%
                                      instant messaging                                                 26,651                                                   +83%
                             food, recipes, cooking tips                             12,365                                                                      +81%
                                            credit cards                          8,189                                                                          +79%
                                                 weather                                                         33,990                                          +78%
                                      health information                    6,315                                                                                +77%
                                                               0           10,000         20,000       30,000     40,000     50,000       60,000      70,000    % YoY
                                                                       June 2012                        June 2011

                                                息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.                    7      Source: comScore, MobiLens, 3 month average June 2012; Country: EU5, N= 67,650
Measure what Matters:
Heres what you need to know

 1. Its all about Social
 2. Its all about Mobile

                  息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.   8
PCs are diminishing as primary access of online traffic

                                                     Source: comScore Device Essentials, June 2012, Europe
              息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.   9   * Source: comScore MobiLens, 3 month average June 2011 vs June 2012, EU5, 13+
Tablets a Phenomenon

Tablet ownership among mobile
users (000s)
                                                         Multimedia tablets now included
                             6,259                       in the basket of goods used by
                                                         the ONS to calculate inflation in
                                                         the UK for 2012


       Aug 2011            Aug 2012

                                                                                              Source: MobiLens.
                  息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.   10
                                                           Data based on three month moving average to August 2012
Its smartphones and its changing all the time

Smartphone platform market
share and growth
                                         16%         Other
      19%                                            Microsoft

    38%                                   29%        Symbian
                                     21%             RIM
    20%                                              Google                                      32%

    22%                                  44%

     Aug 11                           Aug 12

              息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.   11                                                  Source: MobiLens.
                                                                 Data based on three month moving average to August 2012
For many EU5 phone owners, their Smartphone has
become an important shopping companion

                                   Shopping Activities with Smartphone

        Found store location                                                                                            19.2%

   Compared product prices                                                                             15.8%

Researched product features                                                                         15.0%

        Made shopping lists                                                                 13.4%

    Found coupons or deals                                                                 13.2%

Purchased goods or services                                                              12.9%

Checked product availability                                                   10.9%

                               0.0%                        5.0%         10.0%              15.0%                       20.0%                    25.0%
                                                                       % of all Smartphone Owners

                               息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.    12      Source: comScore, MobiLens, 3 month average June 2012; Country: EU5, N= 67,650
35% of Smartphone Users Watch Mobile Video

Mobile video audience reach by
video category (000s)



 Mobile Video   Video Web                    Video TV         Video Paid

                    息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.      13                                                    Source: MobiLens
                                                                           Data based on three month moving average to August 2012
Measure what Matters:
Heres what you need to know

 1. Its all about Social
 2. Its all about Mobile
 3. Its all about Big Data

                  息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.   14
Big Data is machine driven

                            Measurement Events (Billions)



    800                                                                                                                     717 Billion PVs*




       Jan-07   Jul-07   Jan-08    Jul-08        Jan-09      Jul-09   Jan-10   Jul-10   Jan-11   Jul-11   Jan-12   Jul-12
                                                                                31 years, 251 days, 7 hours, 46 minutes
                           息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.              15      Tuesday September 5th September 24,733
Big Data - Simples

             息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.   16
Measure what Matters:
Heres what you need to know

 1. Its all about Social
 2. Its all about Mobile
 3. Its all about Big Data

                  息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.   17
Out of buzzwords -
what is it all about then?
Are we digital?

              息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.   19
What did it feel like/taste like/smell like?

               息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.   20
One thing to take away
from Noah
Taking all this and ..

            息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.   22
Wishes she could order online at                          Uses e-
               lunch and pick up in the parking                         coupons
 Likes                   lot at work
museums                                                                                 Wants
                                                                                         to go
                                                                                         for a
 Looks up                                                                               with a
competitive                                                                             friend
 prices on
 the shop
                                                                                         for a
Is a trend
 setter in
her circle
of friends
                                                                          Is going to
              Never shops                             Always blogs         scream if
               anywhere                                about every       she gets one
                    息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.
                                                      store he visits
                                                                          more email
making it

            息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.   24
Personalised, Localised, Smarter, Faster

comScore Data                                                             Your Data
Global Panel & Census Network                                     Web, Mobile, Video, CRM, etc.

                           息 comScore, Inc.   Proprietary.   25
Thank you

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Measure what matters

  • 1. Three things to take away from Noah MIKE PILCHER | SVP, EMEA 08 November 2012
  • 2. Measure what Matters: Heres what you need to know 1. Its all about Social 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 2
  • 3. Europe is one of the largest markets for social networking % Share of Social Networking Visitors and Minutes by Region Source: comScore MMX, May-2012 Europe North America Asia Pacific Latin America Middle East - Africa 9% 11% 10% 15% 18% 34% 19% 17% 38% 29% Share of Visitors Share of Minutes 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 3
  • 4. In Europe, women spend nearly 2 hours more per month social networking than males 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 4
  • 5. 2 in 3 minutes on social networking sites are spent on Facebook 1 in 7 minutes spent online are spent on Facebook Source: comScore MMX, Europe, May 2012
  • 6. Social is becoming more Visual 18x 9x 39x Growth Growth Growth vs 2011 vs 2011 vs 2011 6.0million 5.9million 22million users users users 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 6
  • 7. Social is becoming more Mobile too Top 10 Smartphone Categories by Growth 24,961 social networking check-in service 9,867 +153% 20,594 online retail 10,677 +93% 17,347 electronic payments 9,108 +90% # Unique Users (000) 31,631 general reference 16,818 +88% 28,413 bank accounts 15,520 +83% 48,698 instant messaging 26,651 +83% 22,442 food, recipes, cooking tips 12,365 +81% 14,661 credit cards 8,189 +79% 60,466 weather 33,990 +78% 11,190 health information 6,315 +77% 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 % YoY Growth June 2012 June 2011 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 7 Source: comScore, MobiLens, 3 month average June 2012; Country: EU5, N= 67,650
  • 8. Measure what Matters: Heres what you need to know 1. Its all about Social 2. Its all about Mobile 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 8
  • 9. PCs are diminishing as primary access of online traffic Source: comScore Device Essentials, June 2012, Europe 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 9 * Source: comScore MobiLens, 3 month average June 2011 vs June 2012, EU5, 13+
  • 10. Tablets a Phenomenon Tablet ownership among mobile users (000s) Multimedia tablets now included 6,259 in the basket of goods used by the ONS to calculate inflation in the UK for 2012 2,458 Aug 2011 Aug 2012 Source: MobiLens. 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 10 Data based on three month moving average to August 2012
  • 11. Its smartphones and its changing all the time Smartphone platform market share and growth 87% 8% 19% 16% Other 47% 20% 19% Microsoft 38% 29% Symbian 21% RIM 17% 26% Apple 20% Google 32% 31% 42% 22% 44% -46% Aug 11 Aug 12 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 11 Source: MobiLens. Data based on three month moving average to August 2012
  • 12. For many EU5 phone owners, their Smartphone has become an important shopping companion Shopping Activities with Smartphone Found store location 19.2% Compared product prices 15.8% Researched product features 15.0% Made shopping lists 13.4% Found coupons or deals 13.2% Purchased goods or services 12.9% Checked product availability 10.9% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% % of all Smartphone Owners 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 12 Source: comScore, MobiLens, 3 month average June 2012; Country: EU5, N= 67,650
  • 13. 35% of Smartphone Users Watch Mobile Video Mobile video audience reach by video category (000s) 11,026 10,502 5,950 2,036 Mobile Video Video Web Video TV Video Paid (any) 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 13 Source: MobiLens Data based on three month moving average to August 2012
  • 14. Measure what Matters: Heres what you need to know 1. Its all about Social 2. Its all about Mobile 3. Its all about Big Data 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 14
  • 15. Big Data is machine driven Measurement Events (Billions) 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 717 Billion PVs* 600 400 200 0 Jan-07 Jul-07 Jan-08 Jul-08 Jan-09 Jul-09 Jan-10 Jul-10 Jan-11 Jul-11 Jan-12 Jul-12 * 31 years, 251 days, 7 hours, 46 minutes 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 15 Tuesday September 5th September 24,733
  • 16. Big Data - Simples 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 16
  • 17. Measure what Matters: Heres what you need to know 1. Its all about Social 2. Its all about Mobile 3. Its all about Big Data 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 17
  • 18. Out of buzzwords - what is it all about then?
  • 19. Are we digital? 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 19
  • 20. What did it feel like/taste like/smell like? 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 20
  • 21. One thing to take away from Noah
  • 22. Taking all this and .. 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 22
  • 23. Wishes she could order online at Uses e- lunch and pick up in the parking coupons Likes lot at work museums Wants to go for a meal Looks up with a competitive friend prices on the shop floor Looking for a movie Is a trend setter in her circle of friends Is going to Never shops Always blogs scream if anywhere about every she gets one else 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. store he visits 23 more email
  • 24. making it 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 24
  • 25. Personalised, Localised, Smarter, Faster comScore Data Your Data Global Panel & Census Network Web, Mobile, Video, CRM, etc. 息 comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 25
  • 26. Thank you MIKE PILCHER SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, EUROPE mpilcher@comscore.com