Belligerence juxtaposed with serenity. I'm Intrigued by inanities and innuendos yet, un-fazed by the most annihilating of storms. Easy to know, difficult to acquaint, impossible to understand, Life personified and death epitomized… That's me!
Untouched by outward arabesque of events,my mind rotates on its own axis,in sync with the rhythm of sounds that I alone hear... An extravagance of sanity and insanity alike, a titanic obsession for pristine perfections, sacrosanct aplomb and empyrean sagacity... paint these euphonious idiosyncrasies on some canvass, and you'll know you are painting me- Your whimsical dreamer!
Duh... i guess, i just sounded like some neeeeerrrrddd! ^_^
If you Though