Strong programming skills.
Deep understanding of OOP, OOA&D, Algorithms.
Self-motivated, initiative and result-oriented.
- Java SE/EE/ME
- Spring Framework, Google Guice 2/3, HiveMind
- Hessian, CXF, Axis
- Hibernate, Apache Cayenne, MyBatis, JDBC, SQL (Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL), PL/SQL
- Apache CouchDB, MongoDB
- Wicket, Tapestry, Vaadin, Struts
- Swing, AWT, SWT, JavaFX
- JasperReports, Crystal Reports
- log4j, logback, slf4j
- TestNG, JUnit, Selenium IDE/RC/Grid, YourKit Profiler
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery.
- JBoss Application Server, GlassFish, Tomcat, Jetty
- Maven 2/3, Ant, gant, SBT, Buildr, Gradle
- Eclipse Platform
- Android SDK
- SVN, Git, M