BEAT EX (full name)
just call me ex :)
2* y.o.
c/o 19**
january's very own..
god comes first, always..
i do my own thing, and i'm still doing it ;)
i'm patient, usually..
i hate gossip..
i'm nice and cool.. but i have my moments..
but not bipolar..
i'm not a player..
& i'm not here to impress you..
i'm definitely not like anyone you've ever met before.., school, & friends are my thang.. ◕ ‿ ◕
i'm not cocky, just confident..
i'm slow to trust, but quick to love..
i wish too hard and i give too much.. i'm not saying i'm perfect, but i'm worth it!
i don't care what you think about me.. I NEVER THINK ABOUT YOU!
want to know more?.. ask.
don't creep, you freak :)