just a simple girl who had a simple mind..with a simple life..because she's too simple..everything looks complex..hahahaahah...
i am imperfect.
awkward moments define my life.
need to gain instead of lose weight.
hopeless romantic.
i hate Beethoven but love Debussy.
i laugh a lot,i cry a lot.
many things about me...but in fact.. bebi is:
Berdoa trsss for mamz,papz,RIP oma dan opa... Really really love them so much...
love hot/ice caramel machiato..
love on simple style..but sometimes i like a unique style..depends on my mood, hehee…
Hunting hunting hunting barang!!!!!
Inside my bag… Handphone, wallet, iPod, tissue, flashdisk, sisir, obat nyeri haid, digicam, pen&book,