Hello :)
i am belle,bellen,lenbe.lenlen casin:)
in our family i have the most short spelled name.
5 letters, 1word, 2 vowels, 3consonants :) get it?
-I am just a simple girl who often make myself possibly unique among others.
-I am outspoken &expressive.
-im not good in sports but i don't hate it. Its just that my reflexes aren't that good enough for me to be athletic.
-i hate horror movies but im always up for adventure.
-im a food enthusiast(but pork is an exception. I NEVER EVER HAVE EATEN PORK IN MY ENTIRE LIFE)
-i am musicaly inclined since i was born singer.(you know right?:p)
-im the jealous type.
-im a total kid at <3
-wel, my interest are varied.
three words that best describes m