well... m a person of many tastes, i luv anything n everything tht's 2 do wid colours...variety...change...sum how am able 2 see poetry in such things..am an ardent music fan..listen 2 almost all kinda stuff...so u'll b assured 2 find a rock song followed by a folk piece weneva u see ma play list!! am very spontaneous by character n speak b4 i think...which proves 2 b dangerous at tyms bt still i listen 2 ma heart..da irony of ma lyf is tht being a student of computer science, i luv to b in front of ma girl friend (obviously ma PC yaar) lolzzz...actually i hate "plastic" people..hypocrites(kinda) who try 2 build demselves on a heap of lies..well thts tht bout me..i guess..oh and yes..dis 150