Posted on 2002:
I NeEd To WrIte BoUt Da WoRd 'ME' ...... HmmMMmm !
LeTs SeE ... "ME" iS A NaME I cAlL mY SeLf ! ( LoL ... Da DiCtIoNArY MiGhT GiVe U A BeTTa DeFiNaTiOn ) UmmmM, letS seE ... iM verY chiLdisH and dunno mayB straighT fwD ( I get into trouble for dat :'( ) .. iM actually aN opeN book ..... that has no page ... but iM mostly a mystery (least to me) ... sTiLL TrYinG To SoLvE Moi !!!
An Updated Version OF ME(2008):
I am probably rude, arrogant, mean straight forward, little superstitious, usually don't finish my sentences ( U will know what I mean when you talk to me ). I don't really like to repeat myself ( doesn't mean I don't ). My Pride means a Lot to me, and I usually answ