-- I don't make very good first impressions, and people get wrong ideas of me all the time =)
-- Cheeky & Funny, can be Geeky at times
-- Love to PARTY a lot!
-- Bisexual =)
-- Have a weird obsession of gay guys & dykes <3
-- I only have 2 vocab for expressing my emotion: "LOVE and HATE"
-- Can't live without EYELINERS, my macbook, ipod & internet of course!
-- Love music, books and electronic gadgets (& a little into technology stuff)
-- Movie freak (like LOVE'em a lot)
-- TVshows obsessee (rather die than not watching CSIs, Criminal Minds, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, SATC, House M.D, GossipGirl, BigBangTheory and HowIMetYourMother)
-- Tumblr, Twitter, and FB are my 2nd life <3
so.. u think u know me?