Telecommunications Engineer, Electronics Technical Engineer and Executive MBA. Specially interested in Computer Security
Other interests: Electronics, Radio communications and photography.
My goal in this life is to learn continuously new things and enjoy life, my family and my job.
Specialties: Firewalls (Juniper, Checkpoint, Stonegate, McAfee, Cisco, Cyberoam, Paloalto...), Endpoint Security (ePO,McAfee Endpoint Encryption, Antivirus,DLP), AntiSpam (Certified NETASQ MFILTRO, McAfee MWS, Barracuda), URL Filtering (OCSE Optenet Certified Systems Engineer, McAfee MWS, McAfee ACE Web Gateway),IPS (Sourcefire, Snort, McAfee Intrushield/NSP, TippingPoint),VPN-SSL(Juniper SA), Networking (Ci...