★About me?★ ➜ I’m fucking tired.
✔ I’m tired of caring for people who don’t give a shit about me.
✔ I’m tired of waiting for a text that’s never going to come.
✔ I’m tired of thinking things will be different, yet they never change.
✔ I’m tired of giving out chances, only to be let down.
✔ I’m tired of putting forth 100% of an effort and only getting 25% in return.
✔ I’m tired of broken promises.
✔ I’m tired of let downs by the people who matter most to me.
✔ I’m tired of making someone a priority, when in reality I’m just a number to them.
✔ I’m tired of shitty friends who are never there for me.
✔ I’m tired of self centered assholes, w