2009: ×öÈËÈô¹û½ÓÊÜÈËÉúÈçÓÐȦȦµÄÇú¾€¾Ã²»¾Ã¾Í•þ´ò‚€È¦,ֻҪʼ½K¶¼ÊÇÏòºÃµÄ´ó·½Ïò,ÄÇüNÎÒ‚ƒ¾Í¿ÉÒÔÕýÃæºÍÝpó µØÈ¥Ã挦ÈËÉúµÄ·N·N.
2010: Expect great things from God & great things will come.
2011: Back to basic. Cleave from the past.
2012: Listen to yourself, know yourself, believe in yourself, and apply yourself. But don't forget to connect yourself, humble yourself, in order to improve yourself.
¸Ð¶÷ thanksgiving
Çåìo tranquility
ŒWÁ• experience
ƽ°² shalom
¾ùºâ balance
ˆÔ¶¨ endurance
µÈ´ý patience
One step up, One step down
Going down a gracious path
Leaning on His mighty arms
Trusting Him with all I've got
Rom 6:5 uni