#9: 3 הראשונים מציגים דברים בסיסים אך לא מספיקים – ראה שיחות טלפון
הבאים מדברם על צד ריגשי, אמוציונאלי ואנושיות.
יש לשים לב בין שירותיות וJOB TO BE DONE - עמידה בלו"ז של טיסות, רכבות וכו הינה מהטת החברה וזהו JOB אין לזה דבר בשירותיות – זה מהות העסק.
מורים פרטיים
חברת ביטוח
חברות סלולר
1. A service is first “produced” at the moment of delivery.
2. It cannot be centrally produced, inspected, or warehoused.
3. The “product” cannot be demonstrated. You cannot send a sample.
4. There is nothing tangible. The experience represents the value.
5. The experience cannot be sold or passed on.
6. If the service sucks, it cannot be recalled.
7. Quality assurance need to happen before production.
8. Delivery requires some interaction between the buyer and seller.
9. Expectations are directly related to the degree of satisfaction.
10. The more people the customer must encounter during the delivery
of the service, the less likely it is that he or she will be satisfied.
Source: Albrecht and Zemke, 1985
#11: חדשנות מבוססת שירות
מאפשרת שינוי מןדל עיסקי עבורכם
#15: Zappos.com is an online shoe and clothing shop currently based in Las Vegas, Nevada. In July 2009, the company announced it would be acquired by Amazon.com in an all-stock deal worth about $1.2 billion. Wikipediawhile sales revenue 1B$ @ 2009
Founded: 1999
Ceo – Tony Hsieh
No Scripts
No Call Time
No Up sell
Human connection
Do your best Judgment
Do what you think is right
#19: From a silo organization to a customer facing organization
User centered
o, if your brand isn’t focusing on customer-centricity, it’s time to start doing some research into how to get things going. Bob Thompson, CEO of the research and publishing firm CustomerThink, has a new book out, called Hooked on Customers: The Five Habits of Legendary Customer-Centric Companies that will serve as a stepping stone for brands of all sizes or individuals or teams with a focus on customer-centricity. He notes that the book is the result of 15 years of research, collaboration and thinking about what makes legendary customer-centric companies tick, so the highlights of Thompson’s 15 years of study are well worth a few days of reading.
What are the five habits that Bob believes help customer-centric companies succeed? Here they are, with some food for thought to see if your brand’s as customer-centric as the legendary brands showcased in the book:
They Listen. For example, they ask about the drivers of their customers’ loyalty. They use both solicited and unsolicited feedback. They follow their customers’ digital behavior. They don’t just listen; they take action of what they’ve heard from customers.
They Think. They employ business leaders who have the skills to interpret analytics and make decisions. They take advantage of unstructured information. They track both past-performance perspective, real-time and predictive metrics.
They Empower. They give employees real authority to invest in customer relationships. They have a customer culture that puts both customers and employees first. They use technologies to improve access to information, support and resources.
They Create. They make innovation part of the corporate culture. They make creating value a habit.
They Delight. They train, empower and reward employees for delighting customers. They understand what delights, and they use innovation to keep delighting.
How exactly do the legendary customer-centric companies do all these things? That’s where you’ll have to read the book. Congratulations and thanks, Bob, for a treasure trove of insights for all of us who believe in the power of customer-centricity to elevate a brand or organization.
design – user vs customer
#20: המוח הקולקטיבי - מאט רידלי
Exchange of ideas
Meeting and mating
"המזל מעדיף את המוחות המחוברים" – סטיבן ג'ונסון
The Liquid network
The slow hunch
Connecting vs Protective
#21: ישראל המקום החמישי בעולם בשעות עבודה
התפוקה האחרונה ב OECD
ד"ר נדב
#22: Example: Low cost flights;
operation efficiency vs service effectiveness
עלות/תועלת = ערך
#23: Source: Mckinsey – the 3 C’s of Customer Satisfaction 2014
במסע לקוח :
רב ממדיות לעומת חד ממדיות (UX)
מספר בעלי העניין בארגון גבוהה יותר
כמות נקודות המגע גבוהה יותר
אינטראקציה לאורך זמן
עליה במחזורי המכירה ב 15%
עליה בשביעות רצון לקוח ב 20%
עליה בוודאות בשביעות רצון הלקוח ביותר מ 35%
נאמנות לקוח קורית רק בשביעות רמון מעל 90%