I'm a simple girl and god fearing pers0n.
I l0ve my family and my friends c0z they're always there besides me..
But i kn0w that there are friends that are g0od only when u are facng them and when u turn back all the "libaks" are there...(hate it)
Some people told me that i'm cute but i thnk i'm n0t...(humble)
I d0n't have time for a relati0nshp c0z i want to stdy first...(hadlok lng kgn ni man0ng..hehe)
if s0me people hate me because of what i am... have they ever ask me if i hate them t0o??
If ur g0od to me then i will also be g0od to u...:)
kn0w me by wat u see n me,n0t by wat u hear fr0m pe0ple...
Thnk of me as hu i am,n0t as sumb0dy