>a God-fearing kid. Iglesia Ni Cristo po!
>likes good music.
>have lots of dreams in life like to be a successful woman someday of course!.
>shy type at first
>hardheaded and sometimes melodramatic. :( ikr! i'm awful!
>likes any food that tastes good. i'm not that picky anyway!
>likes all colors. :)
>good girl sometimes :D
>loves skinny jeans. :0 i'm gettin' fat but still kickin' and rockin' my skinnies :P
>just like everyone hates, i also hate plastics and liars.
>if you're going to ask me who's the last person i wanna see before i die, it would be and always be Hayley Williams!
in 3 years of existence of my account here, i have now this infos.
got bored so i made this and i don't rea