welcome to my sleep, the life of a personage without equal, this one the life of Dj Skuffer and his friends...=3
♥~Meaning Of A Lick~♥
*Lick on the Tail: Will you be my mate
*Lick on the Ear: I think you are cute!
*Lick on the stomach/Belly: I'm ready.
*Lick on the Paw: Your my Everything
*Lick on the nose:I love you
*Lick on the Shoulder: I want you.
*Lick on the Lips: I need you
*Lick on the Back: For fun! .
~Lick on the stomach; I'm ready.
~Lick on the Forehead; I hopeyou. we're together forever.
~Lick on the Head; Your my everything.
~Lick Below the Chin; I like you.
~Lick on the Neck; We belong together.
~Lick on the Muzzle; I love you.