
javascript html5 yql yui development accessibility webdevelopment yahoo css3 web innovation scriptingenabled apis mashups firefoxos hacking hackday mozilla apps mobile pwa evangelism machine learning css progressiveenhancement es6 security learning ajax performance geo data boss ydn maintainability introduction progressivenhancement newtech speaking barrierefreiheit evolution progressivewebapps api browsers atag fowa presenting microsoft tricks libraries webservices atag08 gatech computingforgood video wdn09 publicspeaking jfokus ai searchmonkey pipes machinelearning widgets pragmatism effectivity smashingconf node interface design bestpractice confoo fronteers screenreaders abilitynet wrappers parisweb hacku htm5 responsivedesign yui3 openhackday gracefuldegradation social media advocacy jaxcon coding delhi india addiction intro tedx geekmeet geolocation london hackdays ethical hack communication mashup wien tedtalks placemaker mobileweb keynote curl greasemonkey mobiletechcon kommunikation webmaker recife campusparty dyslexia greatwideopen disability jonathanhassell community zoomtext screenreader kathmoonan ndcoslo webdevtrick @mediaajax workingtogether kuenstliche intelligenz scripting fronteers08 artificial intelligence christianheilmann yap tips webstandards opensource polyfills localstorage atmediaajax2008 atmediaajax08 flash open source testing reuse typescript teaching webdesign developer socialmedia yos login2011 inspiration smashingconf nyc public speaking fowalondon conference bbc event dom mixing tae2008 jsconfasia experience halfstackconf devfestasia accessibilityconferencetaipeitaiwanosdcosdctw yahoo7 opensession australia open yslow browers datadistribution openhacklondon f2e professionalism dev passion fronteers09 best practices standards document clever atag09 barrierefreiheit innovation spass bewegung php platform boa09 konferenz madrid developer evening boston tae tae2009 barcampbrighton4 w3c bbc4 brightonbarcamp4 summerofcode vodafone 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pwalondonmeetup happiness code tdfinland weardevs2018 programming social good aidc2018 ethics morals ndcoslo2018 privilege jfokus2016 bastacon basta2016 chakracore gwo2016 devrelcon scaling nodeconflondon crossplatform xpcon serviceworker awwwardsnyc yglf web development fullstackcon progressive web apps startups arbeitsmarkt cphfrontend futuredecoded2016 doesanyoneclickthese oredev gotober gotober16 ind16 internetdays devternity msts2016 developertools dublin carsonified swdc dhtml5 launch48 scaling laredinnova madrid conference yahoo yui geo yql yah openhackindia2010 github google openhackindia javascript progressiveenhancement pragmatism jquer frontend2010 government amsterdam fronteers2010 locationservices parisweb2010 yuiconf2010 yuiconf techies speakingout angrybirds gaming chrisheilmann audio mit collaboration web of data rhino fullfrontal09 fullfrontalconf caja w3cwidgets yahoo developer network ydnoperaoslo applications applikationen bibliotheken maps demos developerevangelism code examples preparation slides ignitelondon london ignite office csv yql googledo geo hacking yahoo technology geolocation hacku gat opendata mix10 lasvegas brhackday hacking webdevelopment yql curl location design patterns leancamp canvas popcorn journalism webstandards html5 development barcelona seuss webvisions rhyme fisl13 b2g mozilla firefoxos html5 imworld sdc13 compatibility oredev html5 firefoxos webapis webactivities apps huwebdev firefoxos html5 webapis developerweek firefoxos mozilla openwebapps firefoxos sotb sotb14 apps web economics of numbers thessaloniki economy html5devconf mozilla webcomponents serviceworker online rights openweb firefox codebits sapo lecture application heartandsole fosdem forms legacy browsers hacks projects hashbangs seo myths linkrot futurism selling firefox4 webgl web2day convergese openwebcamp modernizr showcase prototype fronteers11 conferences presenting fronteers11 conferences presentations mozilla firefox forwardjs standards webtech serviceworker webcompo
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