¢ 岬臼L寄、雑埡叨、掴誘垢恬。
¢ 倔席、牽才、秀嶄、岬寄。
¢ 彑白、冷g、F。
¢ a萎、社縮析、W砿、XS俐。
£ 飛c參貧PI忖]嗤住鹿厘辛嬬札音獨R。
☆ 音電鰍聴伏繁徽紗厘蘚靡冉娃連厘岑祇低頁l。
¢ Lived in Taiwan、Taipei for almost 30 years, been to Hualien for military, working at Nantou now.
☆ Feel free to add me as one of your FB friend even if we don't know each other, but please send a message to tell me who you are.