This document discusses the history and modern problems of democracy and proposes a solution of reinventing direct democracy through an epetition platform. It outlines that in ancient Athenian and Roman democracies, citizens voted directly on issues. Modern representative democracies elect parties or leaders who then make decisions. However, governments may not prioritize what people see as important and there can be a lack of accountability and transparency. The document proposes an online epetition platform that allows citizens to directly decide priorities and communicate directly with representatives to increase transparency and participation in democracy. Initial research has been done and the platform functionality will be tested with policies for direct communication and transparency.
3. History: Roman Empire
Divided into tribes
Citizens voted in their tribes
Each tribe had a vote
4. Modern Democracy (1/2)
Parliamentary System: People vote for
parties. The party (or a coalition of parties) with
the greatest representation in the parliament
(legislature) forms the government, its leader
becoming prime minister.
5. Modern Democracy (2/2)
Presidential System:People vote for a head of
state that leads the executive branch.
Anothering voting is done for the parliament
that leads the legislative branch
6. Problems of Modern Democracy (1/2)
How does government decides whats
important for the people?
Lack of accountability
Lack of transparency
7. Problems of Modern Democracy (2/2)
Modern democracy was formed because of increased
People trust every 4 or 5 years their vote to their
The representatives dont always act in the best interest
of people
o Corruption
o Popularism
o Higher interests: For example Troika in Cyprus
8. Solution: Reinventing Direct Democracy
Epetition platform: Citizens should be able to
decide what is important
Transparency everywhere: Citizens should
have access to everything
Direct communication: Easy mechanism for
citizens to communicate their
9. What have we done so far
Create online platform based on we the
people by Obama
Research online platforms: we the people
(USA), European citizens' initiative (EU) and
Epetitions (UK).
First draft of policy paper
10. Pending
Test platforms functionality on epetitions
Create mechanism on platform for direct
communication with representatives (similar
to WriteToThem)
Create mechanism on platform for more
transparency: Citizens should know what
their representatives are doing