()悋 悋惺惴 悴惆 悋悵 悵悽惘惠 悽悋悧
()愆惡惺 惡悋悽惘 惺惘
()惺悸 悋惘惡 悋惶悋忰悸 悋惷 悋惷悸 悋悵惡
(悋)愆惘 悋悋悋悋惘惡 惺 悋惺惴 悋愆惡悋惺 忰悋惠 惡悋悽惘 惡惺悸 惶悋悋悋忰悸
Mena karam
I believe laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and i believe in miracles.
I Will Never Be Perfect, But I Will Always Be Unique :)