I am, I like, I hate, I wish.
I am crafty, witty, funny, yet moody.
I am a control freak, and a dire perfectionist.
I am, most of the time, sarcastic, brooding, and pessimistic.
I am timid, and most of the times lazy and impatient.
I am NOT emo. I'm a wildcard.
I am extremely philosophical. Aesthetic... not so much.
I am an idealist.
I am, at my best, cheerful and lighthearted
I am, at my worst, aloof and sharp tongued.
I am a strong believer of rules, laws, principles, morals, and ethics.
I like to draw animé, listen to songs, and write stories.
I like to play PC games. A lot.
I like to believe that pasta are their own food group.
I like to read books. And write them. Even at class hours