♥whEn liFe giVes yOo a huNdreD reAsoNs tO crY shOw liFe a thOusAnd rEasOns tO SMILE! :)♥
♥yOu cAn sAy aNything AbOut me aS u plEaSe bUt iAm wHat iAm aNd dAts something yOu cAn nEver bE ♥
iM fUn to bE wiTH.. iM a sHortiE.. nD Dats fOr reAL..
iM sMALL bUt i gOt a biG heart...
i Care fOr alMOst every1..
sOmetimes peOple whO dOnt evEn deservE it..
bUt thats liFe....