Ha Nguyen is the founder and CEO of VDOC, which is the leading company in education field in Vietnam with 3 website are TaiLieu.VN, KhaiGiang.VN and eLib.VN. Ha Nguyen have 15 years experience working on Internet, He worked for Vietnam Data Communication - VDC for 9 years and Vietnam Online Network - VON for 7 years before founding TaiLieu.VN in 2009.
TaiLieu.VN: The Vietnam online documents share community have gone online since June 2009 and right now reach 350.000 visiter per days, 3.5 million members registered and over 750.000 documents shared.
KhaiGiang.VN: The courses & scholarship portal site has provided over 5000 course and 100 scholarship since January 2010
DLib.VN: The f...