"To be beautiful means to be yourself you don't need to be accepted by others you need to accept yourself ".Thich Nhat Hanh
"Tout le monde croit savoir comment nous devrions vivre. Mais personne ne sait comment il doit lui-m棚me vivre sa propre vie".Paulo Coelho
"The problem with closed-minded people, is that their mouth is always opened".Inknown
鏤鏤鏈 鏈鏤鏤鏤鏈 鏤鏈 鏤鰹鏤鏤 鏤鏤種撮鏤 鏈誌困鏤器困鏈ル .. 鏤鏤鏤鏤 鏈鏈鏈鰹鏤鏈 鏈э鏤鏈
Sometimes, you get no second chance and that its best to accept the gifts the world offers you. Paulo Coelho
--Don't explain--
(Au plaisir{fake people})...