1) The article discusses the risks companies face related to corporate emails, electronic documents, and electronically stored information (ESI) in litigation and investigations. It has become integral evidence that must be retained and turned over.
2) Mishandling ESI can result in negative publicity for a company from high profile cases where ESI issues took precedence over the original legal claims. Proper records retention policies and accumulation procedures can help reduce these risks.
3) The proliferation of electronic information within a company can create or provide evidence of liability that may not be uncovered until a legal case or investigation. Understanding corporate email policies and ensuring adherence can help address these risks.
This document discusses how metadata from electronic documents can provide useful information in litigation. Metadata is data about a document that is automatically captured by software and includes information like document edits, authorship, dates of edits and printing, and file paths. This hidden data can help establish knowledge of a document, reveal changes from drafts, and expose patterns of potential bias. Metadata allows attorneys to gain insights about document handling that may not be evident from just the content.
The document outlines the timeline of events related to Trail 210 from its initial construction in 1997 through 2007. It describes how a pine beetle epidemic from 1999-2000 caused widespread tree death along the trail, blocking it entirely by 2000. In 2001, the Sipsey Wilderness Hiking Club adopted Trail 210 and over the next 4 years volunteers contributed 2,400 hours to clear the bulk of fallen trees. By 2007, after 3,463 total volunteer hours, the trail was cleared of major obstacles and ready for true maintenance work.
Jeff Dvi-vardhana's portfolio summarizes his experience in project types including healthcare, education, housing, corporate interiors, hospitality, and mixed-use. It lists award-winning projects such as the 2003 Project of the Year by Construction News and the 2003 SADI Award for Best New Commercial Center. It also provides details of teaching experience at Georgia Tech and education at Syracuse University, as well as software skills in Revit, AutoCAD, and Microsoft Office.
Neighborhood America & Microsoft at Convergence 2009: CRM 2.0KristiGNA
Social CRM becomes reality during presentation delivered by Microsoft & Neighborhood America at Convergence 2009: 'Gov 2.0 - Citizen Engagement and Social Networking in the Public Sector'
Et s'il existait un lien entre Big Data et Ressources Humaines ?Jean-Noel CHAINTREUIL
En introduction de la conférence "Big Data et RH" organisée par GBLN, quelques slides pour inspirer et étonner l'audience sur le lien existant entre Big Data, séries TV et RH.
Une vision décalée qui permet de mettre en perspective l'usage des data pour le monde des RH.
Avec en exergue, le cas de Netflix et de la série House of Cards.
The document provides an overview of the social media platform Pinterest. It defines Pinterest as a virtual pinboard that allows users to organize and share images they find online. The document discusses Pinterest's features, including creating boards to plan events like weddings or decorate homes. It also reviews Pinterest's growth history and compares it to other social networks. Finally, it outlines how Pinterest works by allowing users to pin images from websites to boards and follow other users' boards.
We provide quality local recruitment services and aim to eliminate retention problems by sourcing people radical into businesses. Our mission is to source people into the IT sector. We pride ourselves on being a national company that provides permanent and contract recruitment.
Refco is a financial services company that filed for bankruptcy in 2005 after its CEO was discovered to have transferred $430 million in uncollectible accounts to hide debts. FTI was engaged by Refco's board and counsel to conduct an emergency collection of over 250 electronic assets totaling over 7 terabytes from key individuals and systems. Within a weekend, FTI analyzed complex transactions, reviewed documents and records, and provided an initial report of its findings on suspicious money transfers to help understand the full extent of the fraud.
Simho HR Services provides recruitment and talent branding services to help companies fill positions efficiently. They offer three recruitment plans ranging from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 25,000 with increasing services like more job postings and profiles included. Their focus is on screening candidates, providing validated profiles, and ensuring clients see a return on their recruitment investment through their various plans and services.
Este documento presenta un marco teórico para una investigación sobre los sistemas de calidad en la industria alimenticia. Explica que la Organización Internacional de Normalización (ISO) establece normas internacionales para la calidad, como las normas ISO 9000 sobre sistemas de gestión de calidad. El documento también define el concepto de calidad y discute las perspectivas de calidad como excelencia, ajuste a especificaciones, valor y satisfacción del cliente.
The document discusses potential concepts for Tough Mudder post-event recap videos. It proposes shifting from a fast-paced, promotional style to a more personal narrative focusing on the emotions and accomplishments of participants. Interviews and location footage would help connect viewers to each event. By highlighting struggle and growth, the new concept aims to more deeply engage past participants and build an emotional bond with the Tough Mudder experience.
Medic-History by Irregular ExpressionsGaurav Saini
The presentation discusses a mobile app called Medic-History that was developed to address the issue of doctors not having adequate medical history information about patients. The app aims to create a database of medical histories for every Indian linked to their UIDAI number, which would be accessible to hospitals nationwide. This would allow doctors to review a patient's history, including genes, family history, and environmental factors before providing treatment. The app's structure includes a home page to insert and view records, with a backend built on Apache OFBiz that enables editing and deleting records.
The document discusses various alternative risk financing strategies such as captive insurance, outlining key factors to consider when selecting a strategy, how captives are formed and structured, regulatory requirements for different captive types, and the multi-step process for establishing a captive insurance company.
The document provides an introduction to captive insurance, outlining who should form a captive based on risk profile and financial resources, the types of companies that typically benefit from captives, and the benefits such as custom policies, tax advantages, and negotiating leverage. It also describes the key steps to forming a captive including performing a feasibility study, applying to the jurisdiction, and requirements around capital and surplus as well as ongoing requirements like using a domicile manager.
Este documento describe las características morfológicas y estructurales de bacterias y hongos. Brevemente, explica que las bacterias pueden ser cocos, bacilos o espiriladas, y que se clasifican según su tinción de Gram, presencia de pared celular y otros apéndices. También resume las diferencias entre hongos filamentosos, levaduras y sus estructuras como hifas y micelio.
1) The article discusses the risks companies face related to corporate emails, electronic documents, and electronically stored information (ESI) in litigation and investigations. It has become integral evidence that must be retained and turned over.
2) Mishandling ESI can result in negative publicity for a company from high profile cases where ESI issues took precedence over the original legal claims. Proper records retention policies and accumulation procedures can help reduce these risks.
3) The proliferation of electronic information within a company can create or provide evidence of liability that may not be uncovered until a legal case or investigation. Understanding corporate email policies and ensuring adherence can help address these risks.
This document discusses how metadata from electronic documents can provide useful information in litigation. Metadata is data about a document that is automatically captured by software and includes information like document edits, authorship, dates of edits and printing, and file paths. This hidden data can help establish knowledge of a document, reveal changes from drafts, and expose patterns of potential bias. Metadata allows attorneys to gain insights about document handling that may not be evident from just the content.
The document outlines the timeline of events related to Trail 210 from its initial construction in 1997 through 2007. It describes how a pine beetle epidemic from 1999-2000 caused widespread tree death along the trail, blocking it entirely by 2000. In 2001, the Sipsey Wilderness Hiking Club adopted Trail 210 and over the next 4 years volunteers contributed 2,400 hours to clear the bulk of fallen trees. By 2007, after 3,463 total volunteer hours, the trail was cleared of major obstacles and ready for true maintenance work.
Jeff Dvi-vardhana's portfolio summarizes his experience in project types including healthcare, education, housing, corporate interiors, hospitality, and mixed-use. It lists award-winning projects such as the 2003 Project of the Year by Construction News and the 2003 SADI Award for Best New Commercial Center. It also provides details of teaching experience at Georgia Tech and education at Syracuse University, as well as software skills in Revit, AutoCAD, and Microsoft Office.
Neighborhood America & Microsoft at Convergence 2009: CRM 2.0KristiGNA
Social CRM becomes reality during presentation delivered by Microsoft & Neighborhood America at Convergence 2009: 'Gov 2.0 - Citizen Engagement and Social Networking in the Public Sector'
Et s'il existait un lien entre Big Data et Ressources Humaines ?Jean-Noel CHAINTREUIL
En introduction de la conférence "Big Data et RH" organisée par GBLN, quelques slides pour inspirer et étonner l'audience sur le lien existant entre Big Data, séries TV et RH.
Une vision décalée qui permet de mettre en perspective l'usage des data pour le monde des RH.
Avec en exergue, le cas de Netflix et de la série House of Cards.
The document provides an overview of the social media platform Pinterest. It defines Pinterest as a virtual pinboard that allows users to organize and share images they find online. The document discusses Pinterest's features, including creating boards to plan events like weddings or decorate homes. It also reviews Pinterest's growth history and compares it to other social networks. Finally, it outlines how Pinterest works by allowing users to pin images from websites to boards and follow other users' boards.
We provide quality local recruitment services and aim to eliminate retention problems by sourcing people radical into businesses. Our mission is to source people into the IT sector. We pride ourselves on being a national company that provides permanent and contract recruitment.
Refco is a financial services company that filed for bankruptcy in 2005 after its CEO was discovered to have transferred $430 million in uncollectible accounts to hide debts. FTI was engaged by Refco's board and counsel to conduct an emergency collection of over 250 electronic assets totaling over 7 terabytes from key individuals and systems. Within a weekend, FTI analyzed complex transactions, reviewed documents and records, and provided an initial report of its findings on suspicious money transfers to help understand the full extent of the fraud.
Simho HR Services provides recruitment and talent branding services to help companies fill positions efficiently. They offer three recruitment plans ranging from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 25,000 with increasing services like more job postings and profiles included. Their focus is on screening candidates, providing validated profiles, and ensuring clients see a return on their recruitment investment through their various plans and services.
Este documento presenta un marco teórico para una investigación sobre los sistemas de calidad en la industria alimenticia. Explica que la Organización Internacional de Normalización (ISO) establece normas internacionales para la calidad, como las normas ISO 9000 sobre sistemas de gestión de calidad. El documento también define el concepto de calidad y discute las perspectivas de calidad como excelencia, ajuste a especificaciones, valor y satisfacción del cliente.
The document discusses potential concepts for Tough Mudder post-event recap videos. It proposes shifting from a fast-paced, promotional style to a more personal narrative focusing on the emotions and accomplishments of participants. Interviews and location footage would help connect viewers to each event. By highlighting struggle and growth, the new concept aims to more deeply engage past participants and build an emotional bond with the Tough Mudder experience.
Medic-History by Irregular ExpressionsGaurav Saini
The presentation discusses a mobile app called Medic-History that was developed to address the issue of doctors not having adequate medical history information about patients. The app aims to create a database of medical histories for every Indian linked to their UIDAI number, which would be accessible to hospitals nationwide. This would allow doctors to review a patient's history, including genes, family history, and environmental factors before providing treatment. The app's structure includes a home page to insert and view records, with a backend built on Apache OFBiz that enables editing and deleting records.
The document discusses various alternative risk financing strategies such as captive insurance, outlining key factors to consider when selecting a strategy, how captives are formed and structured, regulatory requirements for different captive types, and the multi-step process for establishing a captive insurance company.
The document provides an introduction to captive insurance, outlining who should form a captive based on risk profile and financial resources, the types of companies that typically benefit from captives, and the benefits such as custom policies, tax advantages, and negotiating leverage. It also describes the key steps to forming a captive including performing a feasibility study, applying to the jurisdiction, and requirements around capital and surplus as well as ongoing requirements like using a domicile manager.
Este documento describe las características morfológicas y estructurales de bacterias y hongos. Brevemente, explica que las bacterias pueden ser cocos, bacilos o espiriladas, y que se clasifican según su tinción de Gram, presencia de pared celular y otros apéndices. También resume las diferencias entre hongos filamentosos, levaduras y sus estructuras como hifas y micelio.
20. XHTML代码规范
任何小于号(<),不是标签的一部分,都必须被编码为& l t ;
任何大于号(>),不是标签的一部分,都必须被编码为& g t ;
任何与号(&),不是实体的一部分的,都必须被编码为& a m p;
<input type="checkbox" checked>
<input type="checkbox" checked=“checked”>
<!--注释-----------注释--> <!--注释======注释-->
22. XHTML代码校验
No DOCTYPE Found! Falling Back to HTML 4.01 Transitional--未定义DOCTYPE。
No Character Encoding Found! Falling back to UTF-8.--未定义语言编码。
end tag for "img" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified--图片标签没有加"/"关闭。
an attribute value specification must be an attribute value literal unless SHORTTAG YES is
element "DIV" undefined---DIV标签不能用大写,要改成小写div。
required attribute "alt" not specified---图片需要加alt属性。
required attribute "type" not specified---JS或者CSS调用的标签漏了type属性。