hOlla ! hi ! hAllo ! Assalamualaikum !
MeOw cOmot or ChiBidie yaMada?
Me lorh !
huhuhuuhuhu ~
If yOu knOw Me, yOu aDd me in yOur fRieNds liSt.
HoweVer, it is nOt eAsy fOr me tO acCePt yOur reQuest bEcaUse I'm chOosiNg.
I wOuld nOt accept yOur reQuest if I dO nOt knOw yOu whO actuAlly.
I wOuld nOt accept yOur reQuest if yOu are A bOy Or mAn whO is nOt my frieNd I knOw.
I'm nOt arrOgaNt, but I'm alsO nOt sOciable.
I aM a mOdest aNd gregariOus.
CatchiNg the let thOusaNds of frieNds, lOve let One.
TherefOre, if yOu asks Me, I will be greeted yOu back.
ThaNk yOu fOr wiSh tO bEfrieNd with Me!