Nothing Ventured, nothing gained - Fortune favours the bold.
i am "a drinking legend" (boak, 2006), "a shitter" (Lefton et al, 2006), "cheeky" (Wilkinson, 2007), "an over-aggressive little turd" (Vill, 2006) "a laugh" (yearon, 2007) "Goose?" (salmon, 2007) "sent back to earth from aliens with a probe in his head" (rafferty, 2002) "a sad geek" (wilkinson, 2007) "wile man to be a white man" (kerr, 2006) "queen" (moore, 2004) "honest" (lowther, 2007) "my best mate" (physick, 2006) "DAERDEN" (yearron and brenand, 2010) "uncle Daens" (rianne, 2010) "Fallowfield Lad" (Salmon, Vill, Kerr and Lefton, 2007)