I was 16 when I read Goethe's Faust.
And after I finished it...a question came uninvited in my head...
I think that this is the most dangerous question wich I ever had.
What answer should I give if Mefisto would ask me...wich would be the price for my soul???What would make me to sell my soul???And I began to evaluate my soul's value...
I could not give an answer then.
My soul remained invaluable and so is now.
This year I will be 47.
Thirty years of waiting an impossible answer of an impossible question.
I am not at all as wise as I thought.:) :(
Sentimentele sunt lampa in care isi ard aripile fluturii care se cred Icar.
Avand in vedere dreptul constitutional la libertatea cuvantului,f