I'm Daneisha Carter (:
18 years old.
Pre-law student at OCU..for now. :)
I'm the perfect blend of: bluntness, sarcasm, and indecisiveness.
My friends and family are everything to me.
Pizza making is what I do, and I love my job sometimes....
I have a 2012 cherry red avenger. It's my baby.
I WILL, make something of my self one day.
<3 <3
Grandpa: First off....I MISS YOU!! you were my world and since you left a piece of me has been missing...you always helped me make my decisions and i knew you had my best interest in life....me and mom miss you..i love you grandpa...
*Zachary Ryan Patton,RIP- I just wish I could thank you for all you done for me. You were the most amazing friend I ever ha