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Villa Italia, Calabria, Italy
Hello Venus
Things i love most... Vovo, the fog, music, the smell of old books, when he bites my nails, camping in the fall, san Francisco summers, Miami winters,tomorrow, Mom, oil paintings, willow trees, making love on a rainy day, the sound of an old harmonica, mayonnaise, red lipstick,the simpsons,(415) 821-6007,wind chimes, riding my horses, silk sheets, Elvis, wood cabins, my Led Zeppelin tee shirt, Jac...k Daniels, hiking, old movies, zebra gum, the hills above the Randell museum at night, Birds, the sands of brazil, my grandfather’s hands, his voice, tattoos, black nail polish, sewing, scented markers, bubble baths, vanilla cupcakes, snowboarding, fucking Las Vegas ;) a brick fireplace, black
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