A young boy named Danish Hakim lost his parents while playing his PSP in a shopping centre. He took the wrong lift without noticing his parents. A kind lady asked if he was lost and helped bring him to the information counter after he didn't know his parents' phone numbers. The counter was announcing a description matching Danish. The lady reunited Danish with his relieved parents, and he was grateful to have been found safely.
2. LOSTOnce I lost my parents in a Shopping Centre when I was playing my PSP. I concentrated too much on the game that I took the wrong lift without my parents.Then luck struck upon me. A lady asked me, Are you Lost,. I told her that I was lost and she asked me if I know any of my parents phone number. Honestly, I did not know any of my parents phone number. I also heard the information counter saying, If you see a boy a medium sized boy last seen wearing a red shirt and black long pants, bring him to the information counter,. The lady brought me to my parents and I thank her for bringing me back to my parents. I was lucky because I was not kidnapped.