i am 0nly 1................
i cann0t do everything but i can do s0mething!!!!!!!!!!!
♂SHANDRA is juz a simpLe namE..n0thin' speciaL at aLL..& im happy bEing mE!
> u oNLy kNow my NamE, nOt my stOry... so,dOnt EvEr juDge mE!!
→teAch mE thE ruLes n i'll teAch u t0 brEak thEm!!
★luv green tew much!±bLack&whitE..
☆n0b0dy undErstaNd mE!!
★l0ve 2 sing,even with bad v0ice,hahahaha!
☆l0VE 2 LAUGH CRAZIER!....my fevret 1!
★the m0st i l0ve: My Savi0r, my famiLy, T.t.m ,c kici!
*Xandra owez happy*