10. Most of the time people think of me as the buotan but hell no...I just learn to have more patience...I'm aging you know...unsaon nalang ang wrinkles!
9. Miss Congeniality - I always smile at everybody, don't know why...hehehehe
8. The OC gurl for BALLPENS - One thing that I treasure most are my ballpens, so you better return them after you borrow them!
7. I read a lot...believe me!
6. I hate people who are traitors, hypocrites, pathetic, WANNA BEs, Social Climbers, USERS, liars and most especially tamad!
5. I love to be with my friends.....
4. I am very talkative in a way that I make sense
3. I am not afraid to admit any mistake
2. I am still a Kid at heart, I love Naruto!