PleAse DonT AdD M3 wIthOut ReadIn Dis .
truSt M3 .. D!$ !s 4 ur Own GooD :-
1.) I DOnT Take BuLL$h!t FroM aNyOne
2.) I HaTE Da PeoPle Who VisIt OthERs
ProFileS anD LeaVe TheIr unWaNteD
3.) ObViouSly LoVe To GeT coMplImeNTs
4.) I WoRshIP My PaRentS
5.) I @m @ ParTY Fr3aK
6.) If U waNNa Die .. Go Ahead And SaY
sMthN abOUt My FriENd
7.) iF u DonT lIke Me TheN ... FCUK OFF!
Statuatory warning : if you are not ma
type of stuff den keep "addin me as a
friend" out of reach of ur hands as i may
be rude and also insulting sometimes..₪۩۞۩₪ FACEBOOK V.I.P ACCOUNT ™ ₪۩۞۩₪
]¦•¦[---Welccome in my World---]¦•¦[
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A b o u t - M e
» goт