Please come back in my life, i have forgotten to live it without you. Come and hold my hand my beloved, as i am dying to meet you and love you.. :(
i respect genuine friends...but hate those fair weathered friends...A true friend is wat i really admire and i will go out of my way to do nethin to help him/her out....
WELL ABOUT ME....... am simple guy. i am a friendly boy who just wnt to make friendz and share his feeeling 卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒 卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒o其其其其$卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒卒 鐃 bbb