Berlin Area, Germany Germany
AI, MedTech, Founder, NGO Board, TEDx Speaker, former VP Retail Bank, Mobile Innovator, 1st Startup in 2000
Medical / Health Care / Pharmaceuticals
Pablo Picasso: “Everything you can imagine is real." // Creativity. Curiosity. Resilience to distraction. Patience with others. // I am working on an idea using AI or Artifical Intelligence to help people be the best versions of themselves possible. // The problem today is that we do not have one source of unbiased information and help that is tailored specifically to my, yours, hers, his personal needs. // WIth the help of artificial intelligence we can take the guesswork out of this and help a child communicate more effectively with their parent and vice versa. // The platform is open to all and was created to provide win win win solutions. // Ultimately the more you give the system the...