This document discusses the importance of trust in relationships and harmony in the family. It proposes that trust on the intention of others, based on the understanding that all human beings naturally want to be happy, is the foundation of relationships. Such trust can be unconditional and continuous, whereas trust on competence depends on events and may change. Self-reflection questions are provided to examine one's own level of trust on the intentions of family and friends. Developing trust on others' intentions based on a shared natural acceptance, rather than doubts based on events, is important for addressing problems in relationships.
A Dilemma: A Layman Looks at Science by Raymond B. FosdickDr Abhijeet Dawle
The document discusses the dilemma facing science in the wake of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It summarizes that the bombing stunned laypeople and made them realize how unequipped societies are to control the power of science. It presents the dilemma that the pursuit of truth through science has brought civilization to the brink of destruction by giving humanity the means to destroy itself. The author argues that science alone cannot be expected to restrain itself from discovery for moral reasons, but that societies must guide science's applications and stop war to avoid humanity's annihilation in an age when science enables unprecedented violence.
H5P is a free open-source content framework that allows users to add interactive elements like multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blank, and pop-up text to videos using only a web browser to make videos more engaging. ThingLink is a developer of interactive image and video technology based in Finland and America that was awarded the UNESCO ICT in Education Prize in 2018.
Free Online Tools, websites,links and Softwares for TeachersDr Abhijeet Dawle
This document discusses several free educational tools for teachers and students. Edmodo enables teachers to share content, assign work, and communicate with students and parents. Google Classroom allows teachers to create and grade paperless assignments. OBS and OpenShot are free video recording and editing software. Canva is a graphic design platform. Testmoz helps teachers build automatically graded tests. Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform. Zotero and Mendeley are reference management tools for academic research.
This document provides instruction on subject-verb agreement rules in English. It discusses key rules such as singular subjects requiring singular verbs and plural subjects requiring plural verbs. It also covers compound subjects, irregular plural nouns, indefinite pronouns, prepositional phrases, and clauses that can impact subject-verb agreement. Examples are provided to illustrate the application of these rules in correcting errors. A brief quiz at the end tests the reader's understanding of identifying subject-verb agreement issues.
1. The document provides instructions for writing instructions, including specifying that they should be precise, accurate, complete, in chronological sequence, and in single sentences.
2. It defines precautions, cautions, warnings, and dangers - precautions are safety measures, cautions are for possible damage, warnings are for possible minor or serious injury, and dangers are for possible fatal injuries.
3. It then provides a set of instructions for using an automatic washing machine, including precautions about earthing, cautions about overloading and inserting items in the tub, warnings about electric shock and rotating mechanisms, a danger about drowning children or electric shock from water, and notes about not installing on a trolley or
Chinua Achebe's novel "Things Fall Apart" (1958) depicts the late 19th century life of Okonkwo, a leader in a Nigerian village, and the arrival of European missionaries. The story focuses on the clash between Okonkwo's Igbo culture and the colonial influence of British values and Christianity, which ultimately leads to the breakdown of Okonkwo's life and Igbo traditions. Achebe uses the novel to challenge stereotypical Western narratives about African society and assert the complexities of traditional Igbo culture.
This document provides tips and guidelines for proper email etiquette or "netiquette". It discusses rules for communicating respectfully and appropriately online such as maintaining professionalism, brevity, and politeness. Specific tips include using correct greetings, signatures, avoiding slang and excessive punctuation. Overall, the document outlines best practices for sending emails in a polite, clear and concise manner.
The document provides guidance on proper letter writing format and elements. It discusses the key components of a letter including the letterhead, sender's address, dateline, inside address, subject line, attention line, reference, salutation, body, complementary close, enclosures, carbon copy notation, identification mark, postscript, and letter formats including complete block, modified block, and semi-block. The body of a letter should be brief, clear, concise, complete, considerate of the reader, and use correct grammar. Letters should have courtesy, clarity, concreteness, and correctness.
The document discusses assertiveness and provides profiles of assertive, aggressive, and passive personalities. An assertive person claims their rights without violating others' rights, says no without apologizing, and gets what they want. An assertive profile includes being a good listener, having an open mind, direct communication while staying calm and respectful. In contrast, an aggressive person has self-importance and disrespect for others, while a passive person is fearful and feels their feelings don't matter. The document also provides case studies and tips for being assertive such as having self-control, taking matters seriously, staying calm, using positive words and body language, and learning to say no.
This document contains statistics on suicide rates in India from 1995 to 2008 by age group and year. It also lists various risk factors for suicide such as domestic/economic problems, lack of self-esteem, academic pressure, and health issues. Warning signs of suicide are discussed like giving away possessions or social withdrawal. Strategies to prevent suicide include building self-esteem, seeking counseling, mentoring programs, and addressing stressors.
This document describes two objects: a calculator and an air cooler. It defines each object, provides a diagram, lists their components, and explains how each works. Calculators are electronic machines that perform mathematical calculations using a display screen, keys, and battery. Air coolers are devices that cool air through the evaporation of water, using a fan, pump, water tank, and cooling pad. They work by cooling air through the evaporation process and are effective in dry climates but air conditioners provide better relief in humid areas since air coolers require periodically refilled water tanks.
This document outlines the key elements that should be included in a business letter, including:
1) Letter head with company name, address, phone number and website;
2) Dateline with the correct date format;
3) Inside address of recipient;
4) Subject for some letters;
5) Reference such as order number if needed;
6) Salutation like "Dear Sir" or name;
7) Body with introduction, discussion and conclusion; and
8) Complementary close like "Yours faithfully" and signature.
This document describes three letter formats: complete block format which is left aligned with no punctuation except in the body; modified block format which is like complete block but with the date, closing, and signature indented slightly right and a colon after the salutation; and semi-block format which requires punctuation in the date, address, salutation, and closing, indents the first line of paragraphs, and places the date and closing on the far right side.
This document provides tips for effective basic writing skills. It discusses determining the purpose and audience of writing, using clear and concise language, and being thorough and polite. Editing and rewriting are important parts of the writing process. Different types of writing include literary, technical, and professional. Handwriting analysis can also provide insights into a person's personality, character, desires, and direction in life based on their pen strokes and style of writing. The key is to know your audience and purpose in order to communicate effectively.
The document discusses various types of formal oral communication including public speeches, presentations, meetings, group discussions, and interviews. It provides tips for each type of communication as well as dos and don'ts. For public speeches, it suggests doing research, organizing ideas logically, and using techniques like eye contact. For meetings, it outlines the roles of chairperson, secretary, and participants. Group discussions allow people to share views and are beneficial for skills development. Proper preparation and positive qualities are keys for successful job interviews.
The document provides tips for writing instructions, including writing each instruction in a single, numbered sentence in chronological sequence using simple language. Warnings, cautions, and dangers should be used when there is a possibility of damage to equipment or injury to the user, with dangers indicating a risk of fatal injuries. Precautions provide safety measures and notes offer extra information or reminders for users.
This document defines and provides examples of several types of mechanical devices and tools. It discusses the differences between an apparatus, instrument, machine, tool, mechanism, engine, appliance, hammer, and microscope. An apparatus is a number of devices assembled for a specific purpose, like a ventilator. An instrument is a sensitive device used for measuring, such as a thermometer. A machine takes in energy and converts it using organized interacting components, exemplified by a lathe machine.
This document discusses methods of communication, including verbal and non-verbal communication. Verbal communication includes oral communication methods like conversations and presentations, as well as written communication methods like letters, reports, and manuals. Non-verbal communication refers to body language, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and other visual cues. Certain non-verbal signals can have different meanings across cultures. The document emphasizes the importance of being aware of non-verbal communication and ensuring verbal and non-verbal messages are aligned.
This document discusses the different types of communication that occur within organizations. It describes upward communication as requests, applications, demands, complaints and suggestions from lower levels to higher levels. Downward communication includes instructions, orders, education and training from higher to lower levels. Lateral or crosswise communication is the exchange of information and coordination between peers. Grapevine communication refers to informal gossip exchanged during breaks or meetings, which can provide feedback but may also spread wrong information.
The document discusses various barriers to communication, including physical barriers like noise, time differences, and distance that can interfere with understanding. It also covers semantic barriers where words have multiple meanings, and language barriers when using unfamiliar technical terms or slang. Psychological barriers that can block effective communication are mentioned, such as self-centered attitudes, group identification, self-image and prejudice. Cross-cultural barriers pertaining to differences in language, values, social relationships and perceptions are outlined as well. Finally, organizational barriers within institutions are briefly touched upon.
The document discusses various types of listening and barriers to effective listening. It identifies marginal listening as daydreaming or inattention. Critical listening involves passing hasty judgments without proper evaluation. Active listening requires close attention to the speaker, head nods, and a willingness to listen without interruption. Barriers to listening mentioned include physical and psychological factors, the speaker's style, and cultural differences. Effective listening is presented as having several stages including selecting, interpreting, evaluating, responding, and memory. The document recommends being a willing listener by overcoming barriers and practicing good body language like note-taking. It claims active listening improves work environments and relationships.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo ºÝºÝߣsCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
This document provides tips and guidelines for proper email etiquette or "netiquette". It discusses rules for communicating respectfully and appropriately online such as maintaining professionalism, brevity, and politeness. Specific tips include using correct greetings, signatures, avoiding slang and excessive punctuation. Overall, the document outlines best practices for sending emails in a polite, clear and concise manner.
The document provides guidance on proper letter writing format and elements. It discusses the key components of a letter including the letterhead, sender's address, dateline, inside address, subject line, attention line, reference, salutation, body, complementary close, enclosures, carbon copy notation, identification mark, postscript, and letter formats including complete block, modified block, and semi-block. The body of a letter should be brief, clear, concise, complete, considerate of the reader, and use correct grammar. Letters should have courtesy, clarity, concreteness, and correctness.
The document discusses assertiveness and provides profiles of assertive, aggressive, and passive personalities. An assertive person claims their rights without violating others' rights, says no without apologizing, and gets what they want. An assertive profile includes being a good listener, having an open mind, direct communication while staying calm and respectful. In contrast, an aggressive person has self-importance and disrespect for others, while a passive person is fearful and feels their feelings don't matter. The document also provides case studies and tips for being assertive such as having self-control, taking matters seriously, staying calm, using positive words and body language, and learning to say no.
This document contains statistics on suicide rates in India from 1995 to 2008 by age group and year. It also lists various risk factors for suicide such as domestic/economic problems, lack of self-esteem, academic pressure, and health issues. Warning signs of suicide are discussed like giving away possessions or social withdrawal. Strategies to prevent suicide include building self-esteem, seeking counseling, mentoring programs, and addressing stressors.
This document describes two objects: a calculator and an air cooler. It defines each object, provides a diagram, lists their components, and explains how each works. Calculators are electronic machines that perform mathematical calculations using a display screen, keys, and battery. Air coolers are devices that cool air through the evaporation of water, using a fan, pump, water tank, and cooling pad. They work by cooling air through the evaporation process and are effective in dry climates but air conditioners provide better relief in humid areas since air coolers require periodically refilled water tanks.
This document outlines the key elements that should be included in a business letter, including:
1) Letter head with company name, address, phone number and website;
2) Dateline with the correct date format;
3) Inside address of recipient;
4) Subject for some letters;
5) Reference such as order number if needed;
6) Salutation like "Dear Sir" or name;
7) Body with introduction, discussion and conclusion; and
8) Complementary close like "Yours faithfully" and signature.
This document describes three letter formats: complete block format which is left aligned with no punctuation except in the body; modified block format which is like complete block but with the date, closing, and signature indented slightly right and a colon after the salutation; and semi-block format which requires punctuation in the date, address, salutation, and closing, indents the first line of paragraphs, and places the date and closing on the far right side.
This document provides tips for effective basic writing skills. It discusses determining the purpose and audience of writing, using clear and concise language, and being thorough and polite. Editing and rewriting are important parts of the writing process. Different types of writing include literary, technical, and professional. Handwriting analysis can also provide insights into a person's personality, character, desires, and direction in life based on their pen strokes and style of writing. The key is to know your audience and purpose in order to communicate effectively.
The document discusses various types of formal oral communication including public speeches, presentations, meetings, group discussions, and interviews. It provides tips for each type of communication as well as dos and don'ts. For public speeches, it suggests doing research, organizing ideas logically, and using techniques like eye contact. For meetings, it outlines the roles of chairperson, secretary, and participants. Group discussions allow people to share views and are beneficial for skills development. Proper preparation and positive qualities are keys for successful job interviews.
The document provides tips for writing instructions, including writing each instruction in a single, numbered sentence in chronological sequence using simple language. Warnings, cautions, and dangers should be used when there is a possibility of damage to equipment or injury to the user, with dangers indicating a risk of fatal injuries. Precautions provide safety measures and notes offer extra information or reminders for users.
This document defines and provides examples of several types of mechanical devices and tools. It discusses the differences between an apparatus, instrument, machine, tool, mechanism, engine, appliance, hammer, and microscope. An apparatus is a number of devices assembled for a specific purpose, like a ventilator. An instrument is a sensitive device used for measuring, such as a thermometer. A machine takes in energy and converts it using organized interacting components, exemplified by a lathe machine.
This document discusses methods of communication, including verbal and non-verbal communication. Verbal communication includes oral communication methods like conversations and presentations, as well as written communication methods like letters, reports, and manuals. Non-verbal communication refers to body language, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and other visual cues. Certain non-verbal signals can have different meanings across cultures. The document emphasizes the importance of being aware of non-verbal communication and ensuring verbal and non-verbal messages are aligned.
This document discusses the different types of communication that occur within organizations. It describes upward communication as requests, applications, demands, complaints and suggestions from lower levels to higher levels. Downward communication includes instructions, orders, education and training from higher to lower levels. Lateral or crosswise communication is the exchange of information and coordination between peers. Grapevine communication refers to informal gossip exchanged during breaks or meetings, which can provide feedback but may also spread wrong information.
The document discusses various barriers to communication, including physical barriers like noise, time differences, and distance that can interfere with understanding. It also covers semantic barriers where words have multiple meanings, and language barriers when using unfamiliar technical terms or slang. Psychological barriers that can block effective communication are mentioned, such as self-centered attitudes, group identification, self-image and prejudice. Cross-cultural barriers pertaining to differences in language, values, social relationships and perceptions are outlined as well. Finally, organizational barriers within institutions are briefly touched upon.
The document discusses various types of listening and barriers to effective listening. It identifies marginal listening as daydreaming or inattention. Critical listening involves passing hasty judgments without proper evaluation. Active listening requires close attention to the speaker, head nods, and a willingness to listen without interruption. Barriers to listening mentioned include physical and psychological factors, the speaker's style, and cultural differences. Effective listening is presented as having several stages including selecting, interpreting, evaluating, responding, and memory. The document recommends being a willing listener by overcoming barriers and practicing good body language like note-taking. It claims active listening improves work environments and relationships.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo ºÝºÝߣsCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APM’s Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APM’s PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMO’s within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, we’ll discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo ºÝºÝߣsCeline George
In this slide we’ll discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.