I'm nOt a GooD LovEr ..
I MeSs uP ..
I sTArt fIghTs ..
I geT JealOus EasIly..
I Am demAndiNg ..
AnD I aLWAys geT mAd ..
BuT TheRe aRe thReE tHinGs I Do loVe abOUt mYsElf:
1) I dOn't PlAy
2) I gIvE mY All
3) & I loVe deEPly.........
m Rude, m Arrogant, m Stubborn, m Mannerless, m Stupid, m Mad.....
I M BAD .....
bt there is also a Good, Honest, Smart, Cute lil heart hidden somwhere beneath.....
which is ready 2 do anything for those who r dear to it !!!