taire et de fuir salope! vous êtes juste insécurité! ..vous voulez la guerre? Je vais vous donner la guerre .
whaT's gOOd abOut haVing ME as yOur FRIEND???
1. yOu can hUrt mE phYsicaLLy, and i'll difiniTeLy Hit yOu back..(for my cLose friEnds OnLy).. peace yah...
2. yOu can cUrse me On my faCe...tHen aLL of yOu wiLL lauGh...ngOk...ngOk...
3.yOu caN teLL me aLL tHe cRazy sTuff in MY Head..tHen yOu'll fiNd oUt i'm a Lot cRaziEr...
4. witH ME yOu wiLL neVer fEeL tHat yOur aLonE...
5. witH ME yOu caN bE yOurSeLf aLL tHe tiMe to HeLd wiTh oTher pEopLe...
NO pretensions
NO FictiOn
NO sHits...
nOthings bEtTer tHan havIng ME as yOur fRienD...
►► No one c